Dual Sport Riding

PASt Recreation Events




​The AMA District 7 recreation events and riding areas allow you to take part in your district's support for motorcycle riding.  Please click on the links below for more information regarding Maryland State riding opportunities at St.John's Rock ORV Trail and Wolf Den Run State Park.  Also please checkout the recreation riding opportunities Classic Motorcycle Day and Western Maryland Motorcycle Association provide annually.

Classic Motorcycles

Board Meetings

Typically the board members, volunteers, and promoters of AMA District 7 meet on the first

Tuesday of every month.  All meetings are open to district riders and fans!

Email us for more details: AMAD7President@gmail.com

Maryland Off-Highway Vehicle Alliance (MDOHVA)

The Maryland Off-Highway Vehicle Alliance (MDOHVA) advocates for responsible and sustainable OHV recreation in Maryland.  They are the leading advocate in Maryland for sustainable public and private OHV recreation areas; for responsible and safe OHV recreation; and to ensure quality opportunities are readily available to all who wish to participate responsibly.  Please refer to their website for more details and opportunities to join their cause: http://www.mdohvalliance.org/